Saturday, September 15, 2012

Parklean Crew Waterless Carwash Giveaway

This partnership with Parklean Crew Waterless Carwash wouldn't have come in a much better time. Since it's my birthday, here's a giveaway for all of you Makati condominium residents!

The guys over at Parklean and I will be giving away 30 free waterless carwash (yes, waterless!) vouchers that are valid for one month.

Here are the mechanics:

  1. Like the Parklean Crew Waterless Carwash Facebook page here.
  2. Follow the Parklean Crew Waterless Carwash Twitter page here.
  3. Follow this blog via the Google Friend Connect (See side bar for GFC gadget).
  4. Tweet this: "Free @ParkleanCrew carwash vouchers for Makati condo residents are being given away at"
  5. Leave a comment in this post with your name, e-mail address, Facebook account name, Twitter account name, GFC name, and tweet link.
Winners will be announced on September 30, 2012 and will be contacted through e-mail.

Note: This carwash giveway is only for Makati condominium residents from Urdantea, Salcedo and Legaspi villages.


  1. Joining :)

    name - Allen Michael Gurrea
    e-mail address - silkenhut (at) gmail (dot) com
    Facebook account name - Allen Michael Gurrea
    Twitter account name - silkenhut
    GFC name - Allen Michael Gurrea
    tweet link -

  2. Is there a winner already? :)

    1. Hi Allen! I sent you an e-mail in the e-mail address you posted here. :)
