Monday, August 19, 2013


You'd think that a message like this would offend me but it actually wouldn't. I know it's sick but it boosts my self-esteem off the charts. Like, someone actually wants to get with post-pregnancy me.

PS. It might seem like an innocent message but I've known this guy since 2nd year high school and boy do I know what his "Still up?" messages mean.

PPS. No, in all those 10 years, I haven't gotten with the guy but not because I wasn't attracted to him. It's just that, well, I haven't been single in 10 years. That is, until now...

PPPS. He's also persistent. He booty texts/calls me every so often except when he got himself a girlfriend, which was last year. Anyway, we meet up every once in a while but nothing really happens. We just have coffee or watch a movie. Kunwaring pa-wholesome ba.

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